Gordon, Angela, Pam, William, Daniel, Debra, Woogie, Ellen
Weakest Link
Win Ben Stein's Money
Friend or Foe
Russian Roulette
Who wants to be a millionaire?

Gordon, Angela, Pam, William, Daniel, Debra, Woogie, Ellen
ROUND 1 Vanilla Ringer Accordian Rollerblades Sigmund Freud
Eddie Murphy Heart Dunce Cap Microsoft Uzi New Hampshire
Post Mortem Pollen Bob Seager Milky Way Stanley Kubrick Parasol
Jane Austen Pringles Variety California BANK! Bye Angela
ROUND 2 Hogan's Heroes Eisenhower NAACP US & Canada Dolly Parton
Quiver John Deere Roy Scheider Hanoi Olsen Hank Aaron
Wonder Woman Beck Columbia The Tempest Dirty Dancing Boston
Ernest Clifford BANK! Bye Gordon
ROUND 3 Campus Debbie Allen Rip Van Winkle Nero Madonna $100
Tommy Boy United States Maple Beauty & the Beast Portland
Oolong Mrs. Fields Quincy Hacky Sack Weird Al Yankovic Freedom
BANK! Bye Woogie
ROUND 4 Shark BJ & the Bear 398 Hong Kong Army Eric Clapton
Am. Kennel Club Sharon Stone Loupe D.H. Lawrence Masada Jeffords
The Man Show Palate Nadia Comaneci Lava BANK! Bye Ellen
ROUND 5 Dionne Warwic Jezebel Intel Andie MacDowell Platelets
e. e. cummings Porterhouse Lafayette Dumbwaiter Village Voice
Bee Gees NACL Mezzanine Santa Fe BANK! Bye Debra
ROUND 6 Mt. McKinley Casper Spin City Anteater Bob Saget Tarmac
Pippi Longstocking Billie Holiday Gin Tuxedo Faye Dunaway Eight
Lactose BANK! Bye Daniel
ROUND 7 Great Salt Lake Mel's Diner Sequoia Trotsky Stevie Ray Vaughn
Panda Spy Petronas Towers The Shining State of the Union BANK!
Pam Wins!
ROUND 8 Hawaii Simon Bad Boys Venus Gerald Ford Arctic
Bangladesh Nipper Vietnam War Mem. Corazon Aquino Governor Evian